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Work Package # 7

Social Inequalities

Work Package Summary

General objective of this work-package is to ensure that the JA contributes to cancer and other NCDs inequalities reduction in Europe. Specific objectives: (i) Collect scientific evidence on avoidable inequalities in cancer and other NCDs and their risk factors in Europe. (ii) Review actions and policies addressing cancer and other NCDs avoidable inequalities in Europe. (iii) Plan and implement WP7 specific pilot actions aimed at acting on the mechanisms that play a role in generating health inequalities. (iv) Support the thematic WPs in the application of methods that take equity lenses into account, by providing tools and methodological supports to the pilot actions. (v) Contribute to improving health literacy and empowering people to understand and act on health determinants and risk factors for cancer and NCDs at population and organizational levels.

Start date


Due date



ISS, Italy


NNGYK, Hungary