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Work Package # 9Health in all Policies

Review and redesign/strengthen the use of Health (in) impact assessments


The aim of this task is a) to investigate to what extent health and health equity is considered in existing impact assessments, b) to strengthen the health and health equity component in the assessments, and c) to build the capacity for conducting impact assessment with strong health and health equity component.

Identification of impact assessment tools and procedures in place in relevant European Countries and at the EU-Leve

This subtask will identify various types of impact assessments already in use, such as i) issue/sector specific impact assessments are health impact assessment (HIA), gender impact assessment and environmental impact assessment, and ii) process/mechanism specific assessments, typically generic and comprising several impacts. Impact assessment of draft legislation is a typical process specific impact assessment. 

Review of health and health equity considerations in the identified impact assessments in place

This sub-task will study how health and health equity impacts, including impacts on health determinants and health systems, are considered in the existing impact assessments for example in legislative proposals by the government. Impact assessment guidance used in the EU processes will be reviewed and suggestions for strengthening health and health equity aspects are made.

Development and piloting of a comprehensive checklist for health and health equity in impact assessments of various policy sectors

Based on the identified guidelines and tools on integrated impact assessment, this sub-task will develop a comprehensive checklist for considering impacts on health and health equity in the planning phase of policies. 

Review and strengthening of (existing) capacity building mechanisms in the MSs

This task will seek to strengthen the comprehensive health and health equity component in those assessments where it, according to the reviews conducted in earlier phases, is not strong enough. Existing HIA capacities, e. g. support units or expert networks, in the member states will be assessed and discussed. Recommendations for necessary HIA capacities on different levels will be made. Finally, the capacity of the health sector to conduct health impact assessments and help other ministries in doing assessments of the potential health impacts of their policies, programmes and projects will be strengthened. 

Conceptualization of an online space on the JA Website to provide resulting material of the task

The aim of this task is to deliver an overview of existing good practice tools for conducting impact assessment, existing good, systematic procedures/process of conducting impact assessments and a comprehensive checklist that countries can use for their own purpose. These tools and case studies will be made available on the website of the Joint Action.