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Work Package # 9Health in all Policies

Developing effective ways to implement Mental Health in All Policies (MiAP)


The aim of this task is to strengthen mental health in all policies by exploring the roles of various sectors in mental health promotion, and evaluating intersectoral policy interventions for mental health, and exploring policies to reduce stigma. This task will ensure that mental health is included whenever we seek to integrate health and health equity perspectives into policy making. Current state of art regarding sleep strategies will be explored

Mapping sectorial roles and the current situation in mental health promotion

Mapping will be conducted through situation analysis questionnaires, review of reports, interviews with key policy stakeholders and actors, and thematic workshops at national level.  

Developing and piloting a tool for evaluating mental health promotion interventions

This will be built on assessment criteria for evidence-based public health interventions that are being developed in Slovenia and will be adapted and modified to apply to a wider range of mental health approaches. The tool will assist policy makers in finding best practices to support mental health and will be piloted in Iceland, Finland and Slovenia.

Mapping stigma and finding effective ways to fight stigma related to mental health problems

Mapping will be conducted by including by surveys, and findings will be used to develop recommendations on fighting mental health stigma at policy level.

Conducting a situational analysis on the state of sleep strategies and guidelines

A situation analysis and a review of cross-sectoral cooperation and “stakeholder and rightsholder” landscape. Based on these analysis, best practices will be recommended.  

Participation at the annual Wellbeing Economy Forum with a symposium on MiAP at the annual Wellbeing Economy Forum

Good practices that enhance mental health in all policies will be presented and promoted.