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Work Package # 9Health in all Policies

Alcohol and tobacco related perspectives in all policies


The aim of this task is to increase our understanding of the reasons behind variance in implementing evidence-based policies to prevent and reduce harm related to alcohol and tobacco use. The objective is to understand and recognize the similarities and differences in implementation between countries as well as between tobacco and alcohol policies.

Conducting a stakeholder analysis of different actors involved in alcohol and tobacco-related policy processes in selected countries

The aim of this sub-task is to recognise the countries that have succeeded in the implementation of evidence-based policies (the development has been positive) as well as the countries in which the evidence-based policies have not been yet implemented, and to analyse the possible reasons behind the different situations with the help of stakeholder analysis. Stakeholder analysis include surveys and/or interviews of key stakeholders in selected countries. 

Assessing enablers and obstacles in implementation of evidence-based alcohol and tobacco related policies

This will be executed in selected countries, i.e. to identify good practices in implementation.

Identifying strategies used by private off-premises outlets

The objective is identify strategies to maximize alcohol and tobacco sales and the good practices to co-regulate marketing and profit interests. For identification of used strategies, documentary analyses, surveys and/or interviews of key stakeholders will be used.

Assessing the existence and experiences with mystery shopping

The objective is to exercise mystery shopping as method for age limit control of alcohol and tobacco (incl. online sales) in selected countries.

Identifying the challenges and good practices in the implementation of the measures to prevent influence of tobacco industry and vested interests

Dissemination of the recognized good practices on implementation of alcohol and tobacco policies