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Work Package # 8Monitoring

Monitoring on an individual/clinical level to explore values and possibilities in the use of monitoring data on an individual level


The task objective is identifying and testing existing and upcoming methods for monitoring in the clinical/individual setting to identify new methods and test the potentials on behalf of the consortium.

Mapping of tools and methods for monitoring individual/clinical level including description of utilization and benefits for the different stakeholder groups

Workshops to reveal potentials and barriers for the mapped tools and methods

With an overview of existing and potential monitoring efforts as a baseline participating organizations are invited to a workshop where we explore the possibilities and also the barriers for using and scaling these methods and tools. Stakeholders from different levels are invited to give their views including legal, ethical and technical areas, but also clinical professionals and citizens are invited.

Exploring technical feasibility and how the mapped tools and methods can be used/transferred in different European countries

Taking into account the technical framework for scaling the solutions for monitoring at an individual/clinical level this task will look at how the mapped tools can be transferred to European countries. Desk research combined with relevant expert knowledge and developing European frameworks will be taken into account.

Describing promising practices as inspiration for member states to adapt and explore. The practices will be described in a catalogue

As an output from the task 8.2 a catalogue of promising practices for monitoring on an individual/clinical level will be described and disseminated. This will enable member states to be inspired to enhance their monitoring efforts and build upon the learnings of this task.

Data harmonization and new methods for the monitoring of risk factors instrumental in early detection of individuals at an increased risk of cancer

This pilot  task aims to integrate known and new risk factors to detect cancer early, reducing late-stage diagnoses. Using AI and biomarker analyses, the pilot will evaluate individuals' cancer risk comprehensively. 

Monitoring physical activity, sedentary time and sleep as risk factors for cancer & NCDs in population-based samples

This pilot task aims to test a system for monitoring key behavioral risk factors (physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep) associated with cancer and non-communicable diseases. Goals include harmonizing protocols, organizing training workshops, and recruiting age and gender-balanced adult samples from various European countries.