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Work Package # 8Monitoring

Gathering and further exploiting population-based monitoring systems to address data driven decision making for efficient and effective health-related policies


The objective of this task is to create basis for effective decisions on policy changes, public health campaigns and prevention, also including information about advice provided by health professionals in cancer and other NCD prevention. The task will use mostly the information from the ongoing population-based surveillance systems on behavioural risk factors and health determinants, also linking to data from other existing surveys, disease registries and administrative sources in the EU, ranging from the local level to greater aggregations, such as regional or national extent.

Methodological assessment, cross-fertilisation and harmonization of robust data collection systems

In this ST, the issue of capacity building is aimed to develop, strengthen and homogenise the competencies, processes and resources that the different monitoring systems apply to data collection, considering the potential of local/regional/national current data sources or surveillances in the EU participating countries. The goal of this action is the development of a joint effort to harmonise and implement different-sized integration of the monitoring systems for collecting data on health determinants/risk factors of NCDs and cancer.

Pilot a: Pooling health surveys to improve identification and monitoring of cancer-related behavioural risk factors

The main pilot objective is to capitalise on the scalability potential of nationwide health surveys and behavioural surveillance systems - possibly linked to cancer registry data - for monitoring the prevalence of lifestyle and other, modifiable or environmental, risk factors for cancer and the associated cancer and NCD burden. 

Identify, share and agree methods to produce indicators to monitor changes in policies related to NCDs and major risk factors

Identify ways to present and visualize data to stakeholders, including foresight modelling

Pilot b: Risk assessment and risk-based projection for cancer and other NCDs

This pilot action on risk-based burden of disease projections will allow i) to foresee future public health challenges ii) provide insights on how policies to ensure a healthier future based on scenario analysis can be better adapted and implemented.