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Work Package # 8Monitoring

Gap analysis, value scores for monitoring risk factors and recommendations for monitoring as well as experience based implementation potential


This task combines the findings in both the individual and population levels and coordinate recommendations for implementation and scaling of monitoring solutions based on the research and testing in the tasks and pilots.

Finalizing and utilizing the Monitoring assessment tool on explored and tested monitoring systems/methods in order to improve the tool and provide case-based guidelines for future use

In this subtask the MAST will be finalized including the learnings from the work package and the pilot activities. The tool and guidelines for usage will be developed and disseminated in this task.

Defining and describing added value scores for monitoring risk factors

The aim of this this task is to aggregate the findings from the previous tasks to create an overview of the added value of monitoring the identified risk factors for cancer and other NCDs. This will allow European countries to evaluate whether or not a monitoring tool or method has a favourable Return on Investment. This coupled with the MAT tool will enable countries to decide how to enhance their efforts in monitoring.

Developing a gap analysis on the use of monitoring tools and methods between participating countries

As an overview of existing practices on monitoring a Gap analysis of the participating countries will be developed to look at the possibilities for expanding monitoring and exchanging knowledge in the field. This will allow for policy makers in the European Commission and in the individual member states to see potentials for advancing monitoring as a tool for prevention of cancer and other NCDs.

Describing the findings from the WP and providing recommendations for monitoring

The objective of this task is to summarize the work package findings and recommend further initiatives for other European countries including tools, methods and implementation approaches. The pilot studies under this work package are evaluated and described – and common lessons learned are communicated.