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Work Package # 8


Work Package Summary

The general objective of WP8 is to enhance the monitoring systems for cancer and other NCDs at several levels (European, national, regional and local scale) in order to support health care policies aimed to control and reduce the disease burden and to contribute to the reduction of health inequalities. This in line with the European Beating Cancer Plan, which promotes the implementation of a European Cancer Information System and includes among the flagship initiatives the setting up of monitoring systems. This WP will focus on monitoring of health determinants, risk factors, access to health care and health care costs, from data collection strategies to methods for data visualizations and modelling for forecasting of future scenarios. The WP has the following specific objectives: (i) to identify, describe, harmonize methodologies and data sources for monitoring of health determinants, risk factors and outcomes relating to NCDs and cancer according to both clinical and population perspectives; (ii) to provide recommendations for future improvements of systems for collection, integration, analysis and presentation of data aimed to support efficient and effective NCDs and cancer prevention strategies.


RSYD, Denmark


ISS, Italy