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Work Package # 7Social Inequalities

Identify evidence on actions and policies that address inequalities in cancer and other NCDs.


This objective of this task is identifying the available evidence on actions and policies addressing avoidable inequalities in cancer and other NCDs (in terms of health determinants and exposure to risk factors) at European, national and sub-national level by: (i) searching scientific literature through a scoping review, consulting repositories; (ii) conducting a survey on existing experiences/practices, both at national and local level, among participating countries by utilizing existing national networks; (iii) development of a web-based repository of documents and tools to be embedded in already existing portals (EU BPP, national level); (iv): ensuring long-term sustainability through fortifying links with WP4, supporting existing and new collaborations between national and European practice portals (e.g., EuroHealthNet thematic working group (TWIG) on Best Practice Portals), and understanding what drives their long-term user engagement (e.g., by practice owners, practice implementers).