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Work Package # 6Healthy living environment



The task will be focused on jointly developing a holistic methodology to identify the situation of the determinants related with cancer and other NCDs, including a framework for the intervention design and the evaluation of the integrated approach and risk factors approach in counties and municipalities and in the different settings as educational environment, workplace, health services and digital environment ensuring intersectorality, community participation and equity perspective in the process of co-creation and integration of the social innovation for health into their overall city development strategy.

General objective

The main objective of this task will be to develop a methodological guide on the community development process that is required for all partners to work in WP6 to design, implement and evaluate their best practices and pilots actions under the coordination or cooperation of the "supersetting" of counties or municipalities in order to better integrate and connect the interventions in different settings (educational environment, workplace, health and social services and digital and social media), towards more effective and sustainable local governance for health, multisectoral approach and equity perspective.

Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the task are:  

  1. Developing a framework for improving governance in integrated local interventions on healthy living environments, based on the best available knowledge (i.e. JAHEE).

  2. Based on the standard proposed by the framework on governance, assessing the state of the art in each local context where the best practices and the pilot actions will be implemented

  3. Mapping the stakeholders and the community associations to be engaged in each pilot in each setting identified  

  4. Assuring that equity perspective will be include in all pilots and in all setting, addressing inequalities in health through a health equity impact assessment or health equity audit approach.

  5. Developing a health promotion framework for healthy living environment that exploits the best strategies and policies available to based reducing availability and promoting environments free of unhealthy products, increasing the availability and facilities for supporting healthy behaviours, develop and support healthy urban planning, green, clean, child-friendly and age-friendly city environments, invest on  as well as health literacy supporting community empowerment, social cohesion, resilience and promoting social inclusion and community-based initiatives.

  6. Strengthening disease prevention programmes, with special focus on tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy diets and physical inactivity

  7. Developing indicators to monitor the implementation process for the pilots