Establishment of the Policy decision maker forum (PDMF)
Policy decision maker forum (PDMF) is a policy advisory board to the JA, consisting of the relevant DGs and EC agencies (i.e. EFSA)/bodies (i.e.ERGA), multisectoral representation of EU MSs presidencies(Council). Links to health attaches and representatives of relevant EU Parliament bodies will be established. PDMF will be asked to provide critical feedback on the feasibility of implementation of the proposed JA recommendations and actions at (national and) EU levels and feedback on the concrete proposed institutionalised / legislative policy solutions or best practices if relevant.
Follow-up recommendations from the national intersectoral groups in different applied practices and policy domains of JA
Where intersectoral groups in different applied practices and policy domains are foreseen in horizontal WPs 5 – 10, sustainability outcomes and elements will be identified, followed up and summarised.
Network of Health Attachés at the EU and WHO levels
The objectives of this sub-task are to encourage all competent authorities to identify and support them nationally; to engage with youth organizations in the comprehensive WP4 working processes as an important stakeholders group, providing them learning and awareness raising opportunities during that collaboration; to assure that youth stakeholders will be a part of the JA PreventNCD recommendations preparatory process.