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Work Package # 2Dissemination and communication

Dissemination events and final conference


Various dissemination events will be organised during the four years of the JA, such as annual policy makers meetings to report the breakthroughs of the JA. The final conference at European level will take place by M48. The organization of the events will be in collaboration between WP leaders of WP1 and WP2, the aim being to enhance the visibility of the project’s outputs to stakeholders and potential end-users. Webinars to promote the JA and its activities will take place regularly throughout the four years of the JA. The aim of the webinars is both to introduce the action as well as to inform on the status of the work taking place in the technical WPs. Recordings will be available on the JA YouTube channel and promoted on social media channels. Target audiences and main messages will be defined according to the dissemination strategy and adapted to the needs of the various WPs.