Strategic steering and day-to-day management
A team of technical, scientific and financial staff is established in order to manage the coordination of JA. In addition, a communication officer and legal expert will be part of the team, which will be led by a project manager and deputy project manager. Scientific Coordinator and Project Coordinator are the overall leaders of the JA and the coordination team. The coordination team will handle day-to-day activities and monitor the overall progress of the JA. The team will also be responsible for finalizing the interim and final report to the EC. Within the coordination of the JA, the General assembly (GA) and the EC will be organized and managed. Decision-making processes and problem-solving mechanisms are in detail described in the Consortium agreement, which is to be signed simultaneously with the Grant Agreement. WP1 represents the partners in the JA in all formal relationships with the European Commission – DG SANTE and HaDEA. WP1 will also ensure close contact and alignment with JACARDI and other relevant JAs within the same time period.