Scientific Coordination
The objective of this task is to coordinate and monitor the technical WPs (WP5 to WP10) in collaboration with the Project Coordinator. The coordination team will: (i) ensure the cooperation among WPs, (ii) provide support in harmonising the activities among WPs, (iii) assure that all technical WPs will follow and implement the methodological framework. The Scientific Coordinator together with the Project Coordinator and partners will define general quality criteria for reporting; produce guidelines for quality standards for deliverables; define a monitoring and evaluation WP strategy. Scientific Coordinator will oversee the external scientific communications of the JA in close collaboration with WP2 and other WP leaders, including publishing scientific and policy papers, and will establish and manage an External Expert Advisory Board composed by international and multidisciplinary experts. The Scientific Coordinator will, together with the Project Coordinator, chair the Executive Committee (EC) and run monthly online meetings with technical WP leaders and co-leaders.