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Related Projects

The JA PreventNCD initiative is part of a larger network of European Union projects aimed at tackling non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and promoting public health. These projects work in tandem to share knowledge, strategies, and resources, thereby amplifying their impact across the EU. By harboring the synergies of these collaborative efforts, we can enhance the effectiveness and reach of our initiatives, ensuring a more comprehensive approach to NCD prevention and health promotion. Among these related projects are several action grants directly linked to JA PreventNCD, as well as other EU initiatives focusing on similar goals.

Action Grants

As part of JA PreventNCD, the following action grants have been established to address specific aspects of non-communicable disease prevention and health promotion:


The main goal of the FILTERED Project (From sILos To synErgies to pRevEnt ncDs) is to stimulate collaborative advocacy, health promotion, action and accountability at European and national level, including in Ukraine, for the prevention of NCDs among civil society organisations specialised in advocacy linked to the reduction of alcohol-related harm, tobacco control and the reduction of the consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks.

For more information visit the FILTERED project website


PEACHD (Piloting European Action on Cancer Health Determinants) focuses on preventing cancer by reducing risky lifestyle behaviours, like smoking, alcohol use, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity. The project is implementing and piloting large-scale risk factor screening and brief interventions programs (face-to-face and digital), based on the WHO-Europe BRIEF approach, especially for people with lower socioeconomic status, people forced to migrate, and Ukrainian refugees, in Czech Republic, Poland and Spain.

For more information visit the PEACHD project website


Showup4health emphasizes the importance of community engagement and participatory approaches in health promotion. Through various community-based initiatives, the project seeks to empower individuals and local organizations to take active roles in preventing NCDs and promoting well-being. 

For more information visit Showup4health project website


ELISAH (European Lifestyle Intervention Strategies for Active Health) aims to develop and implement lifestyle intervention strategies that can be adopted at both local and national levels. The project's focus is on creating sustainable health programs that encourage physical activity, healthy eating, and overall wellness. 

For more information visit ELISAH project website

Other EU Initiatives

In addition to the action grants, other significant EU initiatives are aligned with the goals of JA PreventNCD, contributing to the broader effort to combat non-communicable diseases.


JACARDI (Joint Action on Cardiovascular Disease) is a prominent EU project dedicated to reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases through coordinated action and policy development. JACARDI works by integrating efforts across various sectors, promoting research, and supporting the implementation of evidence-based practices in cardiovascular health.

For more information visit the JACARDI Website