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Filtered: Challenging Big Industry Narratives: Alcohol, Tobacco, Unhealthy Food and Drinks Population Measures and Policies

22 MAY Visual Panel 4

Conference Panel Speakers

The "Challenging Big Industry Narratives: Alcohol, Tobacco, Unhealthy Food and Drinks Population Measures and Policies" conference, organized by the Filtered project, will take place on 27-28 June, 2024, in Ljubljana, Slovenia, at the Hotel Intercontinental. This event will delve into critical discussions on public health policies and the role of industry narratives in shaping health outcomes. The conference aims to provide a platform for policymakers, advocates, researchers, patients, youth, and health practitioners to collectively address the challenges of reducing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by effectively managing their main risk factors, with a special focus on alcohol, tobacco, and unhealthy food and drinks. The conference will feature speakers from the World Health Organization, the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, and other organizations.

JA PreventNCD and Filtered

The JA PreventNCD and Filtered projects are closely aligned in their mission to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Europe. JA PreventNCD focuses on supporting strategies and policies to mitigate personal risk factors and address societal determinants, consistent with the objectives of Europe's Beating Cancer Plan and the "Healthier Together – EU NCD Initiative." The Filtered project, an action grant complementing JA PreventNCD, specifically targets the dismantling of industry narratives that contribute to unhealthy behaviors and environments.

Filtered aims to stimulate collaborative advocacy to support effective EU regulation for the prevention of NCDs. By collaborating, these projects can develop more robust and sustainable approaches to health promotion and disease prevention.

Insights from Key Leaders

Javiera Muñoz, Communications and Policy Officer at Eurocare, organisation leading the Filtered Consortium, emphasizes the importance of this collaboration:

"The conference will provide a unique platform to challenge prevailing industry narratives that negatively impact public health. The conference will bring together experts and policymakers who work on different risk factors, mainly alcohol policies, tobacco control, policies related to unhealthy food and drinks, and the Commercial Determinants of Health to build on the successes in population measures in the past 10–20 years and foster a comprehensive understanding of how policies can be shaped to ensure healthier environments."

Knut-Inge Klepp, the Scientific Coordinator of JA PreventNCD, highlights the conference's significance:

"This conference will contribute to our broader mission of reducing NCDs in Europe. It allows us to integrate scientific research with practical policy measures, ensuring that our strategies are evidence-based and effectively address the root causes of these diseases. Collaborations like this enhance our capacity to implement impactful health policies across member states."

Registration and More Information

The conference is open to public health professionals, policymakers, researchers, and anyone interested in NCD prevention. Registration with a reduced fee is open until June 4, 2024. Late registration fees apply starting with 5 June. For more details and to register for the event, please click here.

About the Filtered Project

The Filtered project is one of four action grants under the EU4Health program designed to prevent cancer and other NCDs by stimulating advocacy, health promotion, action, and accountability at European and national level linked to the reduction of alcohol related harm, tobacco control and the reduction of the consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks. These projects work together to support the implementation of public health guidelines, pilot innovative practices, and develop comprehensive strategies for health promotion and disease prevention, exemplifying the EU's commitment to creating a healthier future by tackling the systemic factors that contribute to NCDs. The collaboration between Filtered and JA PreventNCD promotes synergies between various health initiatives and projects to streamline efforts and prevent duplication.

The upcoming Filtered conference represents a significant step forward in the fight against NCDs. By challenging harmful industry narratives and promoting evidence-based policies, this event will contribute to the ongoing efforts of JA PreventNCD and other aligned projects. Join us in this important discussion and be part of the movement towards a healthier Europe.